Sunday, June 22, 2014

Black Hills / Custer State Park

I had a very long entry typed out but my internet access waned and I lost the all of my words. I will keep this short. We left Badlands on the June 21st by driving Sage Creek Rim Road in hopes of seeing buffalo. While we did see a few bison, the badger trying to eat the prairie dogs captivated our attention.

We drove to Custer State Park in the Black Hills after that to camp. Sue and her girls met us and shared our campsite which made the while experience so much more fun! The next few days were filled with campfires, horseback rides, silly stories and construction of a bridge across the creek by the kids, catching up with a good friend, Wind Cave, Mount Rushmore, a visit to the town of Keystone and a drive-by of Crazy Horse. It was an absolute blast. Custer State Park did not disappoint with wildlife either. We saw more bison than we could imagine; right on the road, next to the car. We saw pronghorn deer, antelope and prairie dogs galore. Sue and her girls left Friday afternoon. We stayed through Saturday morning. After the Black Hills we are off to pick up my mom and Dave and head to Glacier.

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